17-02-2014 19:04
The weather here in Gran Canaria was really bad this weekend so I couldn't go out much. But my family still took me to visit Arucas, A lovely place here on the island. the next day we went to Santa Brigida, another town here close to my house. I am so gratefull to have this lovely host family, they...
15-02-2014 13:36
I didn't write for a long time because this week I started to feel homesick. On monday, the three of us were a bit down and we couldn't really think of something fun. Tuesday was a better day for us. This week we also went to Cinthya's house because we promised to help her and Simon with their...
09-02-2014 23:01
On friday we visited museo Canario, a museum about the island. It was an interesting museum, but I was quite shocked when I saw the room with the human skulls. I couldn't get over the fact that there were so much skulls, and that they were so old. On saturday, Cristina, my sister, went back to...
07-02-2014 13:34
Wednesday I was really tired due to our trip to Madrid, but in the afternoon I went surfing with Cristina, my sister. It was really hard because the waves were so high. And don't listen to Thybo when he says I only fell of the board! The day after my muscles hurt really bad... This afternoon we're...
05-02-2014 16:06
I haven't got the chance to write something on our blog since thursday, because the last few days have been really crazy. On Friday I went swimming, I am so happy I can practice sports here. On saturday I went to museo Elder with Thybo and Arne. We had a good time, although Thybo had a bit of an...
30-01-2014 23:12
Today is the 30th of january. I can say that this month has passed really fast. I like being here with my family and my friends. Thybo, Arne and I are having a good time and it is nice to see how our Spanish is improving. Sometimes there are difficult moments when I miss my family and friends. But...
27-01-2014 10:07
Last friday Cinthya couldn't come to my house because she was a bit ill. In the evening I went swimming. On saturday I had nothing to do except studying and skyping with my boyfriend. Sunday we organised a barbecue for al the families. When Thybo and Arne arrived, Thybo immediatly complained about...
23-01-2014 17:40
This week I tried to work a lot for school in Belgium. On tuesday I went for a swim, but afterwards I had a headache and I went to bed early. Yesterday I went for a walk with Maria's mother and grandmother. Just like I used to do with my mother and grandmother in Belgium ;) The first lesson today...
20-01-2014 20:55
Last saturday, january the 18th, was quite difficult. As soon as I got up, my family congratulated me for my one year anniversary with my boyfriend. To think of something else, my family took me to their house in the mountains. Although the weather wasn't what we hoped for, we had a great time. We...
17-01-2014 20:46
Arne, Thybo and I couldn't write on our blog for a while because we had a little technical problem. Everything is solved now, so you can read our blog again! At school, everything is going well. I talk a lot with everybody and I am getting more used to it. Yesterday I met two friends of Maria and...
maandag 30 december 2013
30-12-2013 22:06
Al gehoord van de uitdrukking "van je vrienden moet je het hebben"? 2 jaar geleden op zwemstage had ik blijkbaar een beetje een ochtendhumeur (understatement?) en ging ik op zoek naar kaas aan het ontbijtbuffet. Dat ochtendhumeur zal ik niet snel vergeten, nog steeds krijg ik te horen hoe erg het...
30-12-2013 15:07
Dit is het eerste bericht op onze blog! :)
Nu begint alles tastbaarder aan te voelen en wachten we nog steeds in ongeduld af. De dag waarop we vertrekken komt steeds dichterbij en de laatste voorbereidingen worden in orde gebracht. Sinds mei weten we al dat we deze kans hebben gekregen. De...
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